Monday, November 8, 2010

thirty-seven cents

Reiki training, yoga with Wah! and a liberating day with Shiva Rea were just a few of the amazing experiences that filled my weekend. But one of the most moving moments came in the last mile of my drive home this evening. I stopped to pick up a bottle of wine at a local c-town liquor store and walked by a man standing outside in the rain asking for money. Like usual I had no cash but managed to find 37 cents in the bottom of my bag and felt almost embarrased as I gave it to the man on my way out. But he could not have been more thankful or gracious if it were a $10 bill. He flashed a real smile as said "it's the thought that counts... most people just walk right by me." That last mile of my drive home was unlike any other this weekend. I feel blessed and appreciative on a daily basis, but this interaction made all of my blessings feel like almost too much. Here's this man, standing in the pouring rain, so thankful for mere pennies. And then there's me; despite all of the wonderful experiences I have been blessed with this weekend and this lifetime, I've certainly spent a fair share of moments worrying about unnecessary and comparatively extravagant things. This man reminded me again how blessed and fortunate I am, how blessed my family and friends are, and how important (and yet sometimes challenging) it is to truly appreciate each moment and each gift, even the ones that might not come in the prettiest wrapping. In that short drive home, I set a new intention: to always carry around change and to share it with those who ask for help, no matter how much or how little I have.

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